Monday 27 August 2012

NZ Ski Trip

All hope had almost been lost for the ski season, with every NZ field scratching about to put a few flakes together, when in late July the first of three big storms arrived, depositing a metre of snow on the eastern hills of the South Island.  This was followed at intervals of a week by two almost identical storms.  These produced happy skiers, and nervous residents in the Canterbury plains, due to flood risk.  So three times in three weeks we enjoyed watching a branch of the Te Moana river running down the road past our house.

So having done the requisite amount of digging to help get our club skifield going, and finally got our ski legs, Joan and I headed up and away from the tows last Thursday to ski Fox Peak.  We skinned up the north ridge, going well until near the top of a shoulder, where powder over an icy crust necessitated carrying the skis and kicking steps for a while.  Then on and up to the summit without further problems, unless you count fatigue.  The run down was great:  we abandoned the ridge for a deep powder gully, and down into the North Basin, which I had never previously seen as full of snow.  Then on and back to rejoin the skifield. 

The quantity of snow about should be good for a few ski touring trips before the season ends. 


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