Monday 6 August 2012

Curbar Evening

I arrived late at Curbar Gap car park to find it unusually devoid of climbers, just a couple of young girls and a couple of middle aged mountain bikers. As I was about to write the evening off I had a phone call from Christine who was stuck in traffic in Sheffield but wanted to get at least one route in.  
Eventually she arrived and we headed for P.M.C.1 (HS 4a) which I lead. My lack of climbing fitness showed on the initial steep jamming cracks but I enjoyed the moves from the ledge as always. My stint on the belay was enlivened by the sight of the aforementioned young girls stripping off and posing on the boulders for an old guy with a camera.
I then led Owl's Arete (HS 4c) before dusk and the easterly breeze brought the midges out forcing an end to the nights climbing.

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