Monday 6 August 2012


Paul and me decided to climb on Froggat and Jen came along to see what it was all about. The forecast was for heavy showers but the sun was shining as we hauled up by Joe's Slab. I decided to lead Trapeze Direct (VS 5a) which was bit of a one move wonder albeit taxing for the ageing climber.
Paul then led Sickle buttress direct (VS 4c) which has some nice steep wall climbing.
Paul leading Sickle buttress Direct
A walk along the edge past a group of climbers below Todys Wall  took us to Sunset Crack which I led. While I was belaying the air ambulance circled round us and landed on the moor behind the crag. It transpired that a climber had fallen from high up one of the harder climbs near Tody's Wall and decked out.
Paul then led Hawks Nest Crack (VS 4c) a route I hadn't done for many years and which gives some typical gritstone thrutching leading to a fine open finish on rough rock.
Finally I led North climb (S4a) which was more pleasant than it looked.
North Climb

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