Thursday 22 March 2012

Kinlochleven 3/4 & 5th March

Friday afternoon of 2nd March heralded the now familiar drive to the Highlands, arriving at a more sensible time of 9.00pm and not 1.00 am!

Team members included Jago,Clive,Chris and Nick.

Saturdays forecast was for a mix of cloud, rain, occasional bright spells and Windy! - The usual Scottish outlook!?

Clive wanted to test his knee out and decided on an ascent of Garbh Bheinn which overlooks the hut to the South. Being 867m high its not an insignificant challenge and no doubt Clive would need all of his 45 years mountaineering experience to get him through!

The munro baggers objective was Sgorr Dhearg and Sgorr Dhonuill from South Ballachulish.

Conveniently there is a car park in the forest, from here we headed South and Up!

Good tracks lead through the forest but beware stick to the main waymarked routes the forest is dense!

We adopted the directissima approach, straight up the steep slopes to the first summit of Sgorr Dhearg .

Once on the ridge it was apparent that the wind was howling from the South and the ridge descent from the summit was buffeting.

After a brief sheltered lunch stop we ascended the fine ridge of Sgorr Dhonuill with the wind still attempting to disrupt our progress, but to no avail as we bagged our second summit of the day.

We descended without difficulty until we entered the 'Dense forest' where we fought our way through until finally reaching the main track and back to the car.
A fine day out.

Heading back to the hut along the road we encountered a lone hobbling walker, Clive had successfully negotiated his objective and gave his knee a good work out with some positive feedback.

On Sunday Clive and Jago headed home and Chris and Nick travelled round to Fersit to do the pair of Munros West of Loch Treig, Stob a' Choire Mheadhoin and Stob Choire Easain.

The ascent was straight forward in fine weather.

It had snowed overnight and there was a thin coating to add further interest to our day.

The weather closed in at one point with a fall of snow/hail but soon cleared to give spectacular views from both summits.

We descended from our second summit into the Coire Laire where we had noticed a dismantled railway track from the abandoned aluminium works.
We eventually reached the track and followed it back to our start point.

Another 2 Munro's off the list, well off Nick's list and onto Christine's 2nd round list!

We decided to stop another night in the hut and do another Munro on our way home on Monday.

Our objective was Ben Challum near Tyndrum.

The weather was fine with clear skies.

It was a straight forward ascent, generally following the fence line until the ridge headed North.

Spectacular views all round with snow covered peaks.

Another great day out to finish off a great weekend.

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