Wednesday 28 March 2012

Kinlochleven 2

I decided to test my knee out by doing a Corbett while the others bagged more Munros. Garbh Bheinn was situated right behind the hut and appeared suitable for a one and a half legged ascent. I decided to climb the hill by the eastern side so that I could approach by the west highland way and use that route as an alternative walk if the knee gave out. I left the path at its highest point on the eastern flank and made my way slowly via steep grass slopes and some wet rock scrambling up until the ridge became more defined and the NE summit came into view.
Towards the Mamores

Towards the Glencoe peaks

The East end of the Aonach Eagach Ridge
 I had run off a few pictures but at this point my camera decided that it was too cold and stopped working which was unfortunate as the views opened up at this point. Anyway the way was clear to the summit which I reached four and a half hours after leaving the hut. This was down to general unfitness as much as my dodgy knee.
I descended by the west ridge which is the usual way of ascent and gives a decent ridge walk over rocky outcrops with short scrambles if desired.
On reaching the road I was pleased to be offered a lift by the Munroists in the party.

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