Tuesday 2 July 2013

Stanage Evening

I arrived at the meet venue, Stanage End to find it deserted. I eventually found Mick and Nidal lurking amongst the boulders at Marble Wall. They had climbed Richards Sister (HS 4b) and then Mick had led Right Hand Tower (HVS 5b) taking the best part of a hour over the precarious finishing moves but finally succeeding. A good effort for the first HVS of the year.
Neither were able to overcome the final moves of Back Door (VS 4c) so now Nidal was preparing to lead Marble Arete (VS 4c). After a few attempts at the left hand start he finally got established on the climb by the right hand start and cruised the easier upper section to the top.

Nidal leading Marble Arete.

Mick followed by the right hand start and I followed by the left hand start.
Clive on the left hand start.

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