Wednesday 20 March 2013

Lakes in March

 The following was submitted by Paul.

Saturday at noon Paul, Bev and Colin set off from Uzzicar Farm and followed the miners track up Stoneycroft Ghyll to a cairn from where we climbed steeply up to the summit of Barrow.
The view wset from Barrow
Looking East from Causey Pike
 From there we headed west skirting Outerside rejoining the Miners track climbing up to Scar Crags along the ridge to Causey Pike and down the steep descent back to the road at Stoneycroft Farm.

Sunday dawned to gently falling snow but by the time we reached the car park at Whinlatter clear blue skies appeared promising good views from our target for the day, Grisedale Pike.

Grisedale Pike
 Alas this was not to be as we reached the NE ridge at Sleet How the snow returned and on reaching Grisedale Pike full winter conditions were in charge.
Sleet How

On Grisedale Pike
 Not a good place to dine so we made rapid descent in deep snow back down to Whinlatter.

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