Tuesday 19 March 2013


Clive, Jago, Nick and Christine attended the March meet in Aviemore. Nick and Christine's primary objective was to add to Nick's Munro bagging score, Clive's was to add to his Corbett score while Jago just wanted some quality mountain time.   
With this in mind Nick, Christine and Jago set out to do a circuit of Monadliath Munros on Saturday. Setting out from Newtonmore they climbed A'chailleach, Carn Sgulain and Carn Dearg. By taking an anti-clockwise route they avoided walking into the strong bitter cold north easterly that blew all day and enjoyed extensive views.
An icy A'chailleach Summit
Approach to Carn Dearg
Carn Dearg Summit
 Meanwhile Clive having been dropped off at Kingussie climbed Carn na Fhreiceadain which because of its rounded nature and shooters tracks right to the summit was easier to climb than to spell. However despite the aforementioned cold wind it gave a good short days walk  

Carn na Fhreiceadain Summit.
On Sunday while Clive and Jago headed home Christine and Nick climbed Geal Charn from Laggan to bring their total to four for the weekend.
Geal Charn Summit
The view from the summit.

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