Monday 4 April 2011


Jago and myself were the only members to attend the meet based at the CC hut at Grange. On Friday evening I renewed an aquaintence with CC member Tim with whom I had climbed on Pavey Ark some years earlier.
On Saturday morning low cloud and rain put paid to any notion of climbing so we set out for a walk over the fells behind the hut. We walked up the valley behind Borrowdale Castle and then took the path up Tongue Gill   

Approaching Tongue Gill

View down Tongue Gill
As we climbed the gill passing the old quarries the clouds lifted and began breaking up so that by the time that we reached the tall cairn on High Spy the sun was out albeit with a stiff cold wind.
High Spy summit.
We carried on over Maiden Moor before dropping down to join the masses on Cat Bells and back to the hut.

View from Maiden Moor
The improvement in the weather made us think about the possiblility of dry crags on Sunday but once again on Sunday morning our hopes were dashed. Everything was wet and didn't look like it would dry out so we sety off for another walk this time over the fells north of Whinlatter Pass. The route went over Kirk Fell and Graystones to Broom Fell and once again when we gained some height the clouds broke up and the sun came out and took the edge of the cold wind.

Approaching Broom Fell.
From Broom Fell a fairly level path took us the Lords Seat and the path back down.

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