Tuesday 1 July 2014


Just myself and Jago attended this meet on a glorious sunny weekend. The heat was tempered by a cool breeze which made for good climbing conditions. 

Dunnerdale from Wallowbarrow

Jago was in need of rock mileage and I was in need of an easy day so we decided on Wallowbarrow Crag. A steady walk from the campsite took us to the crag and we started on Bryanston (MVS 4b). The second and third can be combined to make a good long pitch with some good steep climbing.
Next up was Digitation (MVS 4b) Jago led the first slabby pitch over an overlap and I led the top pitch op short steep walls on positive holds.
Jago on the top pitch of Digitation
 Next Jago led Western Wall (MVS 4b). Again this climb benefits from combining the two pitches to give a good varied climb with a delicate traverse leading to a steep wall then a diagonal ramp to a steep finish on good holds.
Jago on the delicate bit.

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