Wednesday 11 September 2013

Lawrencefield Evening

At last a midge free evening, in fact with a cool stiff breeze and a hint of rain in the air it felt like a return to normal British climbing conditions when Jago, Nidal and me arrived.
I was first out of the blocks with a lead of Nova (HS 4b). Jago and Nidal followed as did Christine when she arrived late as usual.

Nova - Clive leading
  Jago then led Tyron (HVS 4c) which Nidal followed while I led Christine on Gingerbread (VS 4b). Gingerbread is a nice arete climb and being short we finished in time to cadge a top rope on Tyron. This gave steady climbing to a steep finish on good but spaced holds.
Tyron - Jago leading
Tyron - Christine on the Crux moves.
 By now light was fading so we had to call it a day and by the time Jago had packed up mountain rescue bods were prowling round in the dark with heavy duty torches searching for volunteer 'bodies'.

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