Thursday 15 August 2013


I arrived at Ynys Ettws early on Friday intending to do something but the weather had other ideas. Not the usual rain but heat; it was seeping from the ground, it was reflected from the walls and it was carried on the breeze. I pitched my tent then slowly wilted while drinking copious amounts of tea and water and deferred any activity until Saturday.
By Saturday Christine and Nick had arrived and we opted for a short walk to the Grochan and Hazel Groove (HS 4b). The route gave two good pitches to start with but then it was a bit scrappy with a tenuous finishing move on the last pitch.
Clive on the traverse of pitch 2.
Christine on pitch 2
On Sunday we went to Anglesey for the birding and cafes while Jago and Della, who had arrived on Saturday afternoon enjoyed time in Llanberis park and Llandudno beach.
Della on her first club meet.

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