Saturday 27 April 2013

Burbage North Evening

Once again I could not attend and once again we have no pictures, the following is gleaned from the reports of the attendees.
Christine, Paul, Mick and Nidal all turned up but as two separate parties who never connected on the crag.
Mick kicked off proceedings by leading Amazon Crack (HS 4a) a classic jamming crack. Nidal led Brooks Layback (HS 4b) another good jamming crack, unless you layback it of course. Nidal also led Greeny Crack (VS 4b).
Meanwhile elsewhere on the crag Paul led a variation on Ash Tree Wall at about VS 4c and Christine led First Crack (S 4a). Paul then finished by leading Farth Cake (VS 5a) a short but bold climb. Standards are slowly creeping up.

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