Saturday 27 April 2013

Burbage North Evening

Once again I could not attend and once again we have no pictures, the following is gleaned from the reports of the attendees.
Christine, Paul, Mick and Nidal all turned up but as two separate parties who never connected on the crag.
Mick kicked off proceedings by leading Amazon Crack (HS 4a) a classic jamming crack. Nidal led Brooks Layback (HS 4b) another good jamming crack, unless you layback it of course. Nidal also led Greeny Crack (VS 4b).
Meanwhile elsewhere on the crag Paul led a variation on Ash Tree Wall at about VS 4c and Christine led First Crack (S 4a). Paul then finished by leading Farth Cake (VS 5a) a short but bold climb. Standards are slowly creeping up.

Thursday 18 April 2013

Rivelin Evening Meet.

I didn't manage to attend this meet so this post is cobbled from the reports of various attendees.
Paul led Christine on Wilkinson's Wall  (VS 4b) and the classic Altar Crack (VS 4c) with one leader fall but no submissions although apparently Christine hung about a lot. They followed that with Root Route a tough HS 4b which again Paul led..
Meanwhile Mick and Jago did Crack One (S) which Mick led then Jago led face climb No.2 (HS 4c).
None of the attendees took any pictures so there is no photographic evidence of any of this.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Wharncliff Evening

The evening climbing meets opened with the traditional visit to Wharncliffe Edge. The cold easterly wind had moderated and the weak sunshine made for good cool climbing conditions. Paul and me arrived early and headed for the Hell Gate Gully area where Paul led Hell Gate Crack (HS 4b). I followed up with a lead of Tower Face (S 4a) an old favourite with good open face climbing. 
Paul leading Hell Gate Crack
 A short walk down the edge took us to Himmelswillen (VS 4c) another old favourite and a classic of the edge which Paul led.

Paul leading Himmelswillen
 Paul had pressing business in the evening so we finished off with an ascent of Trapeze (HS 4a). On the way down through the woods we met Christine arriving after work eager to climb and it was with some disappointment she accompanied us back to the cars.


Colin had organised a working week-end at Buttermere to construct a new log store at Birkness the FRCC hut so me and Paul headed up there early to get a bit of climbing in and make a start on the preparation work.
The cold easterly wind suggested a low crag so Shepherds Crag was the choice for the day and we started with Ardus (MVS 4b). I led out the first two pitches to a belay in the corner and Paul led the final pitch across a slab and up a thin crack which felt harder than its grade with numb fingers and toes.
Ardus first pitch.
Ardus second pitch
Next we tackled Eve (VS 4c). Again I led off and belayed Paul as he combined the two upper pitches and again we suffered numb fingers and toes but didn't completely detract from the quality of the climbing.
Eve top pitch.
After this we called it day as far as climbing was concerned and called at the cafe for tea and cake before heading back to the hut. There we set about clearing the old log store ready for the construction work to start.
Colin, Bev, Christine and Nick joined us on Friday night along with several FRCC members and the construction began in earnest on Saturday supervised by Colin who had designed it and supplied the materials.
The new woodshed