Monday 14 March 2011


On Saturday I set out for the Corbett of Meall Lighiche while Christine, Nick and Jago headed for the Mamore munros of Na Gruagaichean, Stob coire a Chairn and Am Bodach.
The route to Meall Lighiche takes the track up Gleann-Leac-na-muidhe to the point where the main glen turns south. I went west up into the grassy coire west of Creag Bhan which is a subsidiary peak of the Corbett. The Coire gave steep steady climbing through the mist up to the flattish summit ridge. The summit, a short way to the west, was a fine place, grassy with rocky outcrops. The clouds were drifting in the light winds and lifting occasionally to to give brief glimpses but the views down Glen Creran to Mull never appeared. I retraced my steps along the ridge to the summit of Creag Bhan then back down the glen. There the clouds finally lifted baring the teeth of the Aonach Eagach ridge.
The Mamore team completed their round in much the same conditions but with atmospheric views through the drfting clouds.
The summit ridge of Na Gruaghaichean
Christine on the summit od Na Gruaghaichean
Nick on the summit of Am Bodach
On Sunday me and Jago headed home while Christine and Nick bagged Sgor na h-Ulaidh whose steep slopes gave, in Christine's words 'a gruelling ascent and a hideous descent' and all without views. They stayed on and on Monday Nick bagged his 220th Munro when they climbed Binnein Beag once again in the Mamores.
Nick on Binnein Beag
The conditions were similar to the previous Mamore trip but with the satisfaction of spotting two Golden Eagles.

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