Monday 14 February 2011

Rock Climbing in The Winter Sun

On Saturday 12th February, Carolina and I spent a morning climbing with a Spanish friend, (Ruben) on the crag at Salem. Salem is 20 minutes drive from Gandia and has the luxuries of 1 - being able to park the car at the base of the crag, 2 - having the choice of sunny or shady crags, 3 - providing great views over the Valley of Albaida.

Collectively, we completed 5 routes in the grades 3+ to 4+.

Salem is an excellent set of crags located in a narrow but pretty gorge. There are over 130 routes, spread across 6 separate walls.

Carolina proudly carried on the Arete tradition (pioneered and later turned into an art form by Clive) of climbing all morning without any problems then falling on her backside on the path back to the car! Even though we're far away, we do our best to keep the Arete spirit alive and well!!

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