Monday 31 January 2011

Black Hill

The Grimley family joined me, Colin, Bev, Christine and Nick for a walk up Black Hill. We took the Pennine Way path up over Laddow Rocks to reach the new paved path up to the summit. The ground was still frozen so the going was good  over the normally boggy sections and the clear weather gave good views.

Heading towards Laddow Rocks
Laddow Rocks
The summit plateau from Laddow
Approaching the summit.
The paved path leads to a fence and stile, the fence has been erected to prevent sheep grazing in the summit area and has resulted in a substantial regeneration of vegetation in the area. What was once a boggy morrass on the summit plateau is now thick cotton grass and walking is a much more pleasant experience.
The summit.
We descended easily by Westend Moss and Crowden Great Quarry to the car park at Crowden.

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