Saturday 23 October 2010


The October meet was based at the CC hut at Grange with Jago and me in attendance.
Saturday was bright but with a NE wind with a cold edge to it so we looked for a SW facing crag and settled on Goats Crag near Watendlath.
 A short steep slog through fields took us past the lower crag, which looked uninviting in the shade to the upper crag which was just catching the sun.

The upper crag.
The upper crag holds some short but pleasant climbs mainly in the HVS/E1 range and has a very pleasant situation with good views over the fells.
I led Poland (VS 4b) for a warm up. The route climbed a short slab to the sunlit overhang in the picture and traversed underneath the overhang to another slab which led pleasantly to the top.
Jago then led Emma Line (HVS 5a) which broke out of a severe corner to gain the sharp sunlit arete in the picture by some thin moves.
I led the next route Inner Limits (HVS 5a) which took the steep front wall to break out onto another pleasant slab.

Finish to Inner Limits
We then decided to walk across to Reecastle Crag but by the time that we had negotiated our way across the pathless loose slopes, through boulders and trees and found the crag looking less than inviting we decided to call it a day.
Sunday was warmer and we decided on Bowderstone Crag. This crag is home to Hells Wall which has a number of routes in the high E grades. Our objective was more modest one pitch VS called Wodens Crack. This takes a line round the left arete of Hells Wall starting over large blocks to a steep corner which gave a few testing moves.

Jago starting out on Wodens Crack

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