Tuesday 24 August 2010

Borrowdale Meet

Despite an indifferent weather forecast Colin, Bev, Jago and me attended this meet and opted to climb at Shepherds Crag on Saturday. I set off on the first pitch of Adam (VS 5a) which started with a steep wet groove. The difficulties however were short lived and easy ground led to a belay. Jago led the second pitch which was steep and varied with good holds and protection.
Colin and Bev did Desperation (Severe) which gave some good climbing in its lower pitch but had a scrappy finish.
Following Adam Jago led Derision Grooves (VS) which followed grooves to a traverse on good holds to the Belvedere. This gave good steady climbing though the crux is surmounding some loose flakes. The top of the route has suffered a rock fall but the route is unaffected just the capping overhanging flakes have disappeared.
Colin and Bev meanwhile did Crescendo (HS) which again gave some good climbing.
On Sunday Jago led Aberration (VS) on Quayfoot Buttress with Colin and Bev following.

Jago on Aberration
     Bev following Aberration.

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