Thursday 18 March 2010

Kinlochleven Meet

The March meet was held at the FRCC hut at Kinlochleven with Christine, Nick, Steven and me attending. On Saturday the weather was warm but showery and I decided to bag Glas Bheinn a Corbett behind the hut while Christine and Nick targetted a couple of Munros in the Mamores Sgurr Eilde Mor and Binnein Beag. Steven had already been in the area for a few days and elected to take a walk up to Blackwater reservoir and back.  
I accompanied Nick and Christine up to the Mamore Lodge track where our paths diverged. I continued up to Loch Eilde Mor and onto the summit via Meall na Cruaidhe, the going was soft on the snow but hard ground where the snow had gone. The summit gave views over to the Mamores and Glencoe in between showers. Meanwhile Christine and Nick climbed the shoulder of Sgor Eilde Beag to Coire an Lochan to reach their objectives.

From the summit I descended to the Blackwater reservoir then took the path on the north bank of the River Leven with good views of some fine waterfalls thanks to the melting sonwfields. I reached the hut just before Christine and Nick who had returned by the Grey Mares waterfall path.

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