Wednesday 14 November 2012

Borrowdale Meet.

Borrowdale was damp as usual so Me and Jago decided on a walk from the hut at Grange our objectives being Grange Fell and Great Crag. We approached Grange Fell via Black Crag which looked very uninviting as we passed under it.
Rainbow from Troutdale
 We were soon on the fell tops and after a brief diversion to the summit of Jopplety How reached Brund Fell the highest of the several tops of Grange Fell.
Brund Fell Summit
  Our next objective Great Crag lay about a mile away across the fells. We descended to the track which leads from Watendlath to Borrowdale and followed a good track to Great Crag.
Great Crag from Brund Fell
Up to now the weather had been kind to us but by the time we reached Great Crag summit it was raining steadily. We descended to the picturesque Dock Tarn then steeply through woods to Stonethwaite and on to the Cafe at Rosthwaite for lamb stew and cake before following the river back to the hut.
Sunday was drier and we decided on a walk up Bleaberry Fell. on leaving Keswick we were treated to the sight of several waxwings feeding on berries in a garden. We took the Walla Crag path pausing to take in the view before heading across the moor to Bleaberry fell.
View from Walla Crag
Approaching Bleaberry Fell.
     A short fairly steep section took us to the summit where we had views of Helvellyn, Skiddaw and Blencathra before the descent back to Keswick. On the way back we took a short diversion to the Castlerigg stone circle to finish the day.

Blencathra from Castlerigg Stone Circle.