Tuesday 19 January 2010

Keswick Meet

By the time the Keswick meet came round the big freeze had ended. Snowfields had turned into ponds and ice cascades had turned into raging torrents. Low cloud and wetness dominated as we gathered to discuss the days agenda. A fell walk over Crag Hill and Sail returning by Outerside and Barrow was finally agreed by the majority a team of 6, Clive, Colin, Bev, Jago Nick and Christine set out along the ice covered track to Force Crag.

Meanwhile David and Steven were helping the driver to dig their 4 wheel drive taxi out of a ditch somewhere in the region of Dockray. After about a hours labour they left the hapless taxi driver and started their walk along the old coach road over to St Johns in the Vale.

On Crag Hill much of the snow and ice had disappeared but enough remained in places to make progress slow and difficult. Paths had disappeared and visibility was limited so some navigational skills were required to reach the summit cairn

The  remainder of the walk over Sail and Outerside was unventful and views were very limited. We decided to leave the ascent of Barrow for another day as light was failing and reached Braithwaite at dusk.

Friday 15 January 2010

Sun Rock?

Colin, Bev and me decided to leave the cold and snow behind and headed for sunny spain. On day one we decided on Toix TV where I led Gufelwufel (5) and Seduction (6a) before we were driven off by rain. The next day took us to the pleasantly situated Font d'Axia where we had a good days climbing (partly in the sun) with John Robinson and Win from the FRCC. Bev and I led several 4s and 5s but didnt quite manage a full Ganley between us.

Then it rained. It rained solidly for a day and a night and when it cleared fresh snow covered the hills behind Calpe. Not as much snow as experienced in the UK but more than enough for Spain. Although the rain had stopped a cold wind blew over the Costa Blanca and after aborting a visit to Altea we finished up on Toix Placa where I led Johanna (5+). Fixing the lower off with numb fingers was not a pleasant experience and after Bev had seconded the route we retreated to Calpe for coffee.

We had arranged to meet Dave Warrington at Aventador where we decided that a quick romp up the short via ferrata was the best way to combat the cold. Again this proved a finger numbing experience despite our gloves and several layers of clothing and so after topping out we retreated to Daves for coffee and cake.