Friday 25 September 2009

Med Trip 6

Time constraints meant that we could not make it to Corsica so we returned to Antibes via Santa Margherita, Loano and San Remo. On the way we checked out the crags at Riva Trigoso but grey skies sucked away our enthusiasm and we arrived at Santa Margherita in pouring rain and thunder and lightning.

Between Santa Margherita and Loano we were accompanied by a small pod of dolphins which played around the boat for about 15 minutes to our great delight.

Med Trip 5

While at Portovenere we climbed at Muzzerone which is about a one hour walk from the town centre. Muzzerone has 18 separate limestone crags with different types of climbing and varying levels of access.

The most popular and accessible area is the Parete Central where we climbed first before doing some routes at the Cava Degli Anelli. The climbing at the Parete Central was similar to peak limestone, steep with sharp holds while at Cava Degli Anelli the rock was much smoother and rounded. Both areas gave good climbing and I led 5 routes from 5a to 5c while Bev led two 4c routes and Colin led a 5b to finish.

Med Trip 4

From Santa Margherita we sailed to Portovenere & La Spezia. The sailing conditions were excellent with a smooth sea and strong winds which allowed us to reach speeds up to 9 knots. From La Spezia we were able to access the Cinque Terre (5 villages) which has a famous walk from Monterosso to Riomaggiore calling at Vernazza, Coriniglia and Manarola.
The first two sections of the walk winds through vineyards along the terrace walls and through shady ravines and is very picturesque however after Corniglia it is less so and the final section from Manarola is along a constructed pathway marred by grafitti.
Officially only this final section was open to walkers but the locked gates and barriers were easily circumvented and we managed to complete all the sections.

Med Trip 3

From Villefranche we sailed to Santa Margherita in Italy overnighting at Andora on the way. During the stretch from Andora to Santa Margherita we had some exhilerating sailing with full sails and the boat heeled over.
We spent a day walking from Portofino to the abbey at San Fruttuoso. The walk went steeply up from Portofino then pleasantly through trees and steeply down to the abbey which was located in a small bay. We took a water taxi back to Santa Margherita stopping to view the underwater statue 'The Christ of the Abyss'.

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Med Trip 2

Tuesday 08 Sept.

Tom and Clare joined on board and after much to-ing and fro-in we were fully provisioned, watered, fuelled and set off. We motored straightforwardly over to Villefranche and moored for the night.

Villefranche is an amazing maze of narrow streets, passages, ginnels and steps with houses stacked one above the other up the hillside.

Monday 7 September 2009

Med Trip 1

Currently in Antibes on Colin and Bevs boat where we are waiting the arrival of Tom and Clare before we set sail. The plan is to sail to Italy and Corsica and call at various climbing venues.

It has been two hot to climb in the daytime but we have managed a couple of evening climbs. The first was at Roquette-Sur -Var where Bev and myself climbed 5 routes at about grade 4 & 5 which were newly bolted and not in our guidebook.
Yesterday we climbed at the Esterels where Bev and me climbed a 5a and a 5b. On the second route I became entangled with a prickly pear plant and by the time we had extracted all the barbs it was two late for further climbs. The climbing pictures above were taken at the Esterels which is an idyllic area and well worth a visit.